Reflections on the Middle East

I am realizing nowadays that It is important to share my political views in my business. As I have shifted into offering some of my work virtually, it offers me some opportunities that I do not have in my in person, one-on-one work.
The opportunities virtual work offers me is generosity on a new level. I simply do not have the time to offer free work in my one-on-one practice. With my virtual work, I am able to offer discounted offerings and scholarships to people who cannot afford the offerings. I do believe firmly that pelvic and sexual health is our human right, not a privilege.
The other opportunity virtual work offers me, is a little more ease in my capacity to donate money to causes that I believe in. This, of course, brings other concerns. Like will you, my community, still support my work if you do not agree with my values around where I will give funds?
Given the state of things, I realize that even though I value and love you, I cannot be silent about the ways of the world that are leaving too many in utter devastation.
For this reason, in the moment, I am choosing to donate money towards health care and supplies for Palestinian children. As I get closer to making a donation, aka when registration for the program I am currently offering gets full and we get closer to the opening of the program, I will dig a little deeper to make sure the money / aid will actually get to the people I am aiming to support. If that does not seem so, I will donate towards supporting abortion rights in our country.
To share a little more about my reflections of what is happening in the Middle East, I think what is happening in Gaza is the greatest crime against humanity of our lifetime.
I have also read accounts of the Hamas violations towards Israeli women / hostages. They are horrifying. I do not even have words for the utter dehumanization and profound violence. These stories are some of the most sick and twisted things I have heard around what individuals can do to one another. I oppose this too.
While there is nothing nuanced or complicated about what I do see as genocide happening in Palestine, the history of the conflict is quite complex. This entire conflict is rooted in thousands of years of anti-semitism. I believe Israel’s response is excessive.
What is also true is that the state of Israel is surrounded by countries that do not want the state of Israel to exist, and also want all Jewish people dead. As a Jewish woman, I live in fear now in ways that I have not in my lifetime. The rate of violent hate crimes towards Jewish people in this country have risen by 400% since October 7th. I find it important to name and honor the experience of Jewish people right now, and not center it, as there is a population suffering much more who needs our attention and support.
I am sharing my thoughts about this layer of complexity because I know many Jewish folks who share these thoughts and feelings and are too afraid to speak up. On the flip side, I know there are Jewish people who are really opposed to the idea that this is genocide, and I do not use that word lightly, and really believe this is the extent of what Israel needs to do to defend its people.
Though I have profound grief and empathy for the experiences of all of the innocent people being harmed, I am offering support financially to Palestinian people / children because they have little access to supplies right now, whereas Israel does.
So much more I could say, but I felt it important to share a little bit here. Thank you for reading.
May all beings know peace in this lifetime.