Posts Tagged ‘womensempowerment’
Why do we massage our yonis?
Why do we massage our yonis? Fascia, this magic buzz word. Why do we massage our yonis? For many reasons, one is that they are lined with fascia. What is fascia? Fascia is connective tissue that overlays every organ, muscle, nerve bundle, blood vessel in our bodies. It is coated with water. The wet web…
Read MorePresenting 🌹 Nikki Ananda
Who is Nikki Ananda? I met Nikki for the first time at the ALisa Starkweather’s event, the Women’s Belly and Womb Conference. I assisted in the organization and facilitation of the conference for some years. This one was atypical because I had had a house fire just a few days before the conference. What a…
Read MorePresenting Kay’aleya Hunnybee
Who is Kay’aleya Hunnybee? Where to start with this Beauty? Kay’aleya Hunnybee is one of the most inspiring women I know. She holds so much embodied knowledge about birthing, womb health, herbal medicine, bodywork, Ayurveda and beyond. She is a walking body of knowledge. Kay’aleya is more of a colleague and a beloved friend than…
Read MorePresenting Zahava Griss
Who is Zahava Griss? Z is the founder of Embody More Love, a spiritual kinky dance community for personal and cultural liberation. Z has had a profound influence on my life. I am ever grateful for them. Their practice, “Embody more Love” is spot on, as Z embodies more love with such authenticity, grace and…
Read MorePelvic Health Summit: Rosita Arvigo
Who is Rosita Arvigo? I have such vivid memories of our beloved Rosita Arvigo teaching with such conviction and emphasis. When studying with her, I truly hung on her every word, and took it is ancient wisdom meeting our modern world. Rosita is an elder and wisdom keeper who has my utmost respect and honor. Rosita lives in…
Read MorePelvic Health Summit: A’magine Nation
How did I meet A’magine Nation? While I was in Priestess Path, the mystical journey I experienced with ALisa, I met A’magine Nation, (she/they/fae) for the first time. Some of you may know her by her former name, Amy Jo Goddard, author of Woman on Fire, and Creatrix of many amazing offerings. I choose to…
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